We've collected together several different maps of Spondon, past and present.
Spondon on Google Maps
Spondon on the UK's most popular online mapping service, Google Maps.
Spondon A-Z Map
From when we first launched the Spondon Online website back in 2000, here's the A-Z map of Spondon from the time. Can you spot which newer streets around the area are missing from the 2000 map?
(Reproduced by permission of Geographers' A-Z Map Co. Ltd. © Crown Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. Licence number 100017302.)

Old Maps of Spondon
The National Library of Scotland (NLS) had a great online tool where you can explore a range of OS and other maps of Spondon dating back to the 1800s. It's a fascinating way to look at how Spodnon has expanded and changed over the decades.