There are a number of funding streams available to the Spondon Neighbourhood Board and this year just over £15,000 was available to address local priorities for Community, Youth, Safer or Highways projects.
The funding this year is nearly fully allocated and the main recipients were as follows:
(Provision of floral displays/hanging baskets and a brush cutter to be used at the West Park Nature Reserve)
Other allocations were made to the Spondon Young Team of the Year, for which we are currently looking for a sponsor to fund future year's awards, Spondon Cricket Club, Spondon Historical Society, Parks Management to fund a community clean up day, Notts and Derbys Bus Company and Derbyshire Police for a part contribution towards a speed gun for use in the area.
Community and Youth Groups are actively encouraged to bid for funding and the next funding will be available from May 2012 onwards so please start to think how the Neighbourhood Board may be able to support your organisation in achieving your aims. Funding application forms are available from Neighbourhood Manager Richard Smail on 01332 258505 or via